When I first read this recipe, the inclusion of Greek Yogurt threw me off. I have made oatmeal pancakes, a different way, before…. But never like this. I’m so glad I followed the recipe and tried these because they’re not only so good for you, but they were DELICIOUS. The kids and I ate them [...]

Healthy and Delicious Dinner In a Pinch

Healthy and Delicious Dinner In a Pinch

I am sharing this recipe because it is one of my absolute favorites for so many reasons! It’s QUICK It’s EASY It’s HEALTHY It’s DELICIOUS INGREDIENTS (serves 4): 1lb chicken breast (cubed) Organic frozen 🥦 Broccoli 4 Sweet Potatoes 🍠 peeled and cubed 1 sliced red onion 🧅 1 cup dried cranberries DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven [...]



If there is one thing that I have learned from Kobe, it’s that no matter what, his love for us is purely unconditional. DEVOTION at it’s best. Us humans can really learn a lot by the way dogs ARE and by the way they treat “their humans”. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could all [...]



With so much going on in the crazy world 🌎(now more than we could ever have imagined), it’s so important to remember to stay #optimistic and #kind . I have always been the type of person that pours my ❤️ into everything… even when people look at me like I am insane, doubt me, or [...]



Sometimes you just have to push the “pause” button, pack a day bag, gather everyone in the car, and get away to soak up the true beauty of life. We took a drive to Presque Isle and spent the day on a beach that we had all to ourselves. IT WAS PERFECT. The waves crashed [...]

Not your average Oatmeal 🌾

Not your average Oatmeal 🌾

It’s common knowledge that Oatmeal is a great way to start your day, but let’s be honest.... the same thing of anything day after day can get pretty boring no matter how delicious it is. I like to experiment with new additions to my base of oats and almond milk. I have recently began adding [...]



I am always trying to find ways to substitute healthier options into my kids’ favorite meals. This definitely delivered! They LOVE these Pancakes and I can eat them without feeling gross and weighed down like I do with normal pancakes. We add chocolate chips to half of them (Marc doesn’t like chocolate chips in his [...]

Kale 🥬 And Apple 🍎 Salad

Kale 🥬 And Apple 🍎 Salad

Sometimes the randomly-thrown together meals are my favorite! This one is absolutely blog-worthy! Haha. I hope you love it as much as I did if you try it. Throw some grilled chicken 🐔 on top to make it a bigger meal or dinner! 👌 FOR THE SALAD 🥗 : Fresh Kale🥬 Broccoli 🥦 florets cut [...]

Overnight Oatmeal 🌾Casserole

Overnight Oatmeal 🌾Casserole

This is such an easy and delicious way to start the day! And it makes enough for the whole family for multiple days! Mix 5 cups oats, 4 1/2 cups almond milk (or milk of your choice), 2 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 2 tbsp honey together in a 9x13 baking dish and refrigerate for [...]

Personalized Fitness Plan

Personalized Fitness Plan

Personalized Fitness Plan Video is up! I walk you through the Fitness Plan (free if you want one) that I created and explain each aspect of it to ensure you that feel confident with it. With us being quarantined from #covid_19, use this time to focus on your Health and Fitness, which will inevitably keep [...]